Discuss Both Sides and Give Your Opinion

With increasing numbers of species becoming endangered or going instinct, examining approaches to the preservation of wildlife has become a vital issue. While some argue that zoos are cruel and inhumane institutions that contribute to the suffering of animals, I posit that animal welfare and preservation is promoted through the proliferation of zoos. In this essay, I will critically discuss both views and state my opinion.

In the first instance, captivity can have a detrimental effect on the wellbeing of animals. Many animals have vast territories in the wild and enjoy large open spaces. When animals are confined in small cages or pens it puts unnecessary stress on them, which can create numerous health problems. Furthermore, the conditions of some of cages can squalid and unhygienic, further adding to the animal’s distress and wellbeing. In Syria, Thailand, and Romania, for example, PETA and other animal rights groups have had to rescue numerous animals from zoos due to their extremely poor conditions.

On the other hand, zoos run conservation programmes that help protect endangered species from extinction. By raising funds through zoo admissions and charitable donations, zoos are able to provide a safe environment for animals that would offer be targeted by poachers or suffer from habitat loss. Additionally, these initiative often involve breeding programmes to help increase their numbers. Consider the panda for instance,. In China, zoos have been an integral part of preserving these animals following the loss of the bamboo forests where they live, and have successfully bred the species in captivity.

In summation, while animals would be better off in the wild in an ideal world, I believe the threat from poachers and habitat loss make zoos a necessary evil that protects endangered species from extinction. If governments create legislation that ensure safe, clean, and adequate environments, then many of the downsides of zoos can be addressed, allowing animals in captivity to enjoy a better quality of life.

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  1. Did the student introduce the topic in the introduction?
  2. Did the student provide an outline in their introduction?
  3. Did the student discuss both sides equally and presented their own opinion clearly in the introduction and conclusion?
  4. Were the ideas expressed relevant to the topic?
  5. Did the ideas clearly support the two views in the essay question?
  6. Were the main ideas supported with details and examples?
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  2. Did each paragraph have a clear purpose?
  3. Did the body paragraphs have topic sentences?
  4. did the student use a variety of linking language?
  5. Were topic sentences explained and developed throughout the paragraph in a logical structure?
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Lexical Resource
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  2. Were there any spelling mistakes or misuse of vocabulary?
  3. Were there examples of less common vocabulary?

  1. Hello everyone, This is a copy of the essay used in the IELTS Master Class lesson on Discuss both views and give your opinion essay. To practice giving feedback, feel free to comment on this essay, thinking about the questions above.